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Sunday, September 30, 2012

One of THOSE Lists - Enjoy?

First off, like this blog on Facebook! I love writing for you so let me know if you like this or not. :)

Rule #1: If you open this you take it.
Rule #2: You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks.
Rule #3: Post Publicly

Answer: True or False
Q: Kissed someone on your friends list? True
Q: Been arrested? False
Q: Do you like someone? True
Q: Held a snake? True 
Q: Been suspended from school? False
Q: Sang karaoke? True
Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? True
Q: Laughed until you started crying? TRUE on multiple occasions haha
Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Not yet!
Q: Kissed in the rain? Kind of. o.o
Q: Sang in the shower? True
Q: Sat on a roof top? True
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Nope!
Q: Broken a bone? Never
Q: Shaved your head? NO
Q: Played a prank on someone? True
Q: Shot a gun? Not yet. :3
Q: Donated blood? False

Last Person
1. You hung out with? Juan Carlos
2. You texted? Travis
3. You were in a car with? A gal from my hall
4. Went to the movies with? Hmm... I think it was me, Natasha, Steven, Brendon, Candice, and Andres.
5. Person you went to shop with? Ian
6. You talked on the phone?  Mindy
7. Made you laugh? Jordan
8. You hugged? Ian

Answer truthfully
1. Sun or moon? Luna
2. Winter or fall? Winter for sure!
3. Left or right? Right
4. Sunny or rainy? Rainy
5. Where do you live? Spokane, WA
6. Club or pub? Clubbing, all the way
7. Are there 1 or 2 people who you can always trust and rely on? Not really. I think it depends on who you are.
8. Do you want to get married? Yeah
9. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl, who the fuck cuts their spaghetti??
10. What time is it? 2:45 pm
11. Are you afraid of commitment? Nope
12. What is your greatest hope/wish? To be with one person who wants to be with me.
13. Do you cook? Yup!
14. Current mood? Tired
15. Color of underwear? Red

In the last 48 hours, have you
1. Sang? Haha, yeah
2. Listened to music? Shower tunes!
3. Danced crazy? Hell yes
4. Cried? Naw
5. Liked someone you can't have? Not that I know of. :3

25 firsts
1. Who was your first prom date? My old friend Andres
2. Who was your first roommate? MINDY!!!
3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk for the first time? HAahahahahahaha. I don't remember.
4. What was your first job? Officially; a dental assistant
5. What was your first car? The one I drove, a Ford 
6. When did you go to your first funeral and viewing? My grandpa 
7. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs. Barber!!
9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? Washington DC bitches.
10. When you snuck out of the house for the first time? Hahahaha. About 2 months ago.
11. Who was your first best friend? Dakota Merriles
12. Who was your first best friend in high school? Umm, Andres Manzo
13. Where was your first sleepover? I think at my house
14. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? I try not to bother people but probably Andres
15. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or groomsman? None yet
16. What is the first thing you did when you got up this morning? Checked my phone for texts
17. What was the first concert you went to? I honestly think it was a country music christmas concert
18. What was the last concert you went to? Noah Gunderson and some other chick
19. First tattoo or piercing? My ears, and will probably get more piercings but not tattoos.
20. First celebrity crush? Justin Timberlake <3
21. Current celebrity crush? Justin Timberlake <3
22. First crush? Jonathan Villarino! HAHAHA! I have horrible taste in guys
23. Current crush? .... TH. That's it.
24. First time you tied your shoe laces? Umm, in first grade when I didn't have velcro shoelaces anymore. haha

Seven  names you go by: (all out of order)
1. Baby J
2. Juls
3. Juliette
4. Julsie
5. JT
6. Hollywood haha
7. Roommate

Three things you are wearing right now:
1. T Shirt
2. Soccer Shorts
3. Underwear

Three things you want very badly at the moment:
1. Someone to help me with my freakin' homework.
2. More viewers
3.  Cigars or cigarettes

Two things you did last night:
1. Danced like a rockstar lol
2. Smoked a couple of swishers

Two things you ate last night:
1. Homemade fish sticks from my friend Eric
2. Leftovers

Two people you last talked to on the phone:
1. Mindy
2. Ian ahahaha

Three things you are going to do tomorrow:
1. Hopefully sleep
2. Read/study
3. Play pool

Two longest car rides:
1. New Mexico
2. San Diego

Favorite beverages:
1. Water <3
2. Chocolate milk
3. Arizona <33
4. Naked... the red one haha

Weight, College, and Lovely Life

First off, like this blog on Facebook! I love writing for you so let me know if you like this or not. :)

     Pretty sure I've already gained my freshman 15. I'm so nervous about getting to the gym and seeing my current weight. But I will do it. I will go and confess to myself about how overweight I am. I turn 18 on the 24th of October so I want to try to lose 18 pounds by then as an awesome birthday gift to myself. <3 I'm really hoping I can do it. I need a little bit of encouragement though. I can't always do things on my own. So as for my weight issue, I will be doing my best to eat healthier and always take water over anything else, plus going to the gym and exercising. I'm pretty sure I can handle that. Yoga will be my best friend too. I need to take it easy on myself so I don't strain myself. The last time I weighed myself before I came here, I weighed about 200.8 lbs. That's just, soooooo bad. I mean, I look like it. It'll definitely help my self esteem if I'm able to do it. :) 

     I had my first couple of examinations for college already, one for Pre-Calc (because I'm not that smart with math), one for Chem 161 (Which I SUCK at), and then I had one for Bio 140 (Which I can't remember much of). I go to my classes but I get sick very frequently, and when I get sick, I get fucking sick. It's just terrible! There's absolutely no fucking good reason for it either, I drink juice and I have no allergies or anything medical like that. I just get sick.... It sucks. But anywho, my profs are really accommodating but I just feel bad because my parents are helping me pay for this 44,000 dollar education and I miss class because I get a bad flu or cold about once a week. This was the situation in high school as well and part of the reason I missed about half the year due to illness. Whitworth University has such amazing and understanding people but I feel so bad missing all the time. 

     Besides that, a lot of stuff has been happening in my nonexistent love-life. The guy I like, most likely has no idea I like him, which kind of sucks considering we only have one class together and I really want to invite him to go to homecoming with me. I'm pretty sure something will happen to where someone else will ask him and I'll just get rejected like a loser.... Going with friends is always fun. And the things that are going on with the guy I USED to like, are just.... not going great or good. We were best friends and then we dated which I will say was pretty awesome if you just take away the drama haha and then we became friends again. But I mean, I'm no longer in his life and he's no longer in mine really, but he was my best friend and it's really hard being that one friend out of your group of friends who goes to an out of state school. I've been able to keep up a little since facebook allows me a morsel of information as to what's going on in my hometown. But I mean, I really don't know anything unless my friends tell me. What little friends I do have back home anyway.

     I know I shouldn't complain, I mean.... I'm a freshman in college. What do I know? Right? But hey, if you'd like, send me an email, anonymously of course. You can catch me at my email address. It's here so go ahead and write me anything you'd like. Of course I'll read it and hopefully no one will spam me but I'm just curious as to who actually reads my stuff. I can handle criticism pretty well but I'm also open to suggestions. So yeah, leave a comment, send an email, and/or +1 my blog. I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading. <3

Also, follow me on Instagram! @julsie_t :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I Wrote My First Newspaper Article!!!

First off, like this blog on Facebook! I love writing for you so let me know if you like this or not. :)

The Whitworthian, that's the name of the school paper I write for. I'm a staff writer for the Arts and Culture section. It's pretty neat. I focus mainly on Outdoor Recreation and the Lifestyle section. But yeah, I'm a college freshman here at Whitworth University. And I now live in Spokane, Washington. :) I know, I know. I know NOTHING. haha. But I"m learning. I'm currently taking Bio 161, Chem 140, Writing 110, and Math 150. I'm starting to realize just how much free time I actually have. I'm going to see about making videos since I need to do homework. haha. I hope you enjoy reading my stuff, I'll post my articles here as well. :) So here's what I said. <3 Enjoy!

Whitworth Professor Talks About Revive Coffee
By: Juliette Torres 

Dr. Jason Wollschleger, Whitworth sociology professor, and his wife Tonya, opened up a coffee shop on 6704 on North Nevada St. Suite 1 on June 1. 

    “I was always on the hunt for a little coffee shop,” Tonya said. “Our realtor found one, but we didn’t love it.” 

     Tonya had her own idea for a cafĂ© so the beginning space she had to work with was a letdown at first, but soon, Tonya and Jason would take over the shop in the spring and on June 1, and transform it into Revive Coffee. 

     Tonya was not pleased with the aesthetics of the shop; she knew there was work to be done. Tonya’s taste in decor comes from an interest in a naturalistic surrounding with things such as wood, stone and textiles in order to promote a more home-like setting where people can feel comfortable. Jason spent hours just trying to change the paint color after work, and created an entirely new feel for the place. Additions to come in the near future to the shop will include a bar where students will be able to come and plug in electronics as they study. 

     Jason is not only a professor and shop owner, but he is also the dad of two roller derby girls who play on a local team, the Lilac City Pixies. Current displayed in the Revive are roller derby paintings, provided by a local artist, Henry Stinson of Pullman WA. The paintings cover an entire wall of the shop shows an interest in the sport from the owners and currently being featured is a Dita Von Death, an all-chocolate muffin named after a local derby girl from the team the Lilac City Roller Girls, the women’s division of the sport.

     Jason and Tonya are also both very environmentally conscious. They use recycled products, are completely paperless as they only use electronic receipts and use organic ingredients that are bought locally so they can give back to their community. 

     “We create the flavors ourselves,” Tonya said. “So what’s cool about our drinks is that we actually use real ingredients like pumpkin in our pumpkin chai while other places only use spices. Though we pay more for ingredients, we keep costs down because we have such great products.” 

     Whitworth senior Katie Traylor is Jason’s research assistant and started visiting Revive Coffee frequently, eventually started volunteering, was offered a job and currently bakes in the evenings for Revive.

     “It’s a great place to work,” Traylor said. “Tonya is driven and creates a comfortable environment, it’s an inviting place where people are welcomed, and cared about. That’s why we have so many regulars, because we care for our customers.” 

     Jason said that on Tuesdays and Thursdays, there’s a good chance his students could have their professor be their barista. Students at Whitworth will receive a 15 percent discount. So stop on by and try Jason’s favorite Americano, Tonya’s homemade pumpkin chai, or any one of their various menu options.